Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24th Monday

I had 2 visitors today and I actually stayed awake through the whole visit.
This is a milestone because I have had offers from kind friends and family to visit and I keep saying no, thank you.  It seems to puzzle folks - maybe offended them, I'm not sure - but I was just too tired to talk that much, or listen to someone else talk.  I can't even read a book, for crying out loud.

However, today, I am glad to report that I have been pain free all day.  And taken no pain meds at all- even Advil.  and I have not had a nap!  I'm am not trying to avoid a nap as I believe sleep is healing time, but I haven't wanted to go to sleep.  Prior to this, that urge was pretty clear.
A card today from my cousin - who is a nurse therefore an authority - said that based on her experience, I am allowed 6 months of faulty memory.  So since that is exactly what I am experiencing, I will claim that wonderful excuse for that amount of time.

If I can remember to....


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