Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19, 2014

In previous episodes:
Mastectomy all done (2/24), appendectomy all done (3/7).  Our heroine is now supposed to recover from both and get ready for chemo.

This episode:
Meal train has started and Johnny and I had a great dinner last night.
Yesterday I went for a CT scan and a bone density test.  I was there at 11 and got home at 4 pm and went right to sleep.  Woke for a good dinner, then back to sleep for the night.
I am still on pain meds as I have pain in my right side that is worse at night.  The Dr has said all along that the heavy antibiotics I am on is to prevent an abscess  (pus filled sac). (ugh). 
CT scan results shows a fluid collection at site of appendix. uh oh.

So, I saw my appendix Dr today and she says the mass of fluid the CT scan shows around the site is kinda small to be an abscess. After 10 days she would expect it to be bigger.  It could also be just some fluid that will eventually go away. 
 The pain I have in that side could be due to the 3 cuts they made in the muscle to do the surgery.  So she gave me more percoset (yum) and said to take Advil as well for the inflammation.  Another CT scan in a week to 10 days hopefully will show the fluid is reduced or gone.  And the pain should be gone then also.
So I was not scheduled for another surgery to drain abscess as I had feared.

The CT scan also showed some sort of fluid in my uterus which they cannot guess at. So, I go for an ultrasound next week to see what that is.

I didn't even ask about the bone density, I assume my bones are ok.  Head is, of course, hard.

So I continue to rest when I am not being dragged off to see a Dr.  I have to see breast surgeon tomorrow. I think that wound is healing OK.

All this traveling around I am doing is courtesy of
 many friends and my son as I cannot drive while on drugs... and I like my drugs!

Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming.



  1. Always keeping you in prayer. I'm sorry you are having to go through so much before having chemo. Please know that you are loved and God is by your side. If you need any talking time, visits or if you have a craving for something, I'm there for ya!
    Love, Nancy

  2. Hey Anita.. hope you are doing are always in my prayers..Lots of love and hugs

  3. Anita, good to read your sense of humor is still in tact!! :) I hope all the prayers are helping, because the one for you keeps getting longer and longer! Enjoy your home with a view - at least that you don't have to be dragged off to. Love to you as always.

  4. Yes, Anita....keep that great sense of humor despite your many the hard head part.

    You've been in my thoughts and prayers. Also know that I am available for you during April vacation (week of 14th--the week of Good Friday, leading up to Easter). Please have Johnny call me to let me know how I can help with driving, cooking, clearning. Just returned from Ohio from helping my sister out with her elbow surgery so I have references! Love, Teri Schlosser
