Sunday, April 13, 2014

chemo or not to chemo

I forgot to mention chemo.  I think many assume that I am in the midst of that now.  I certainly expected to be, but it hasn t started.
My chemo doctor and I have met just once on March 10th.  It was an hour long informational interview and he then ordered  certain tests on the tissue samples.  These are needed to determine the kind of chemo to create.

We had an appointment for 3 weeks later, when the test results would be done and I would feel better.
However, one crucial test still isn't done.  I have cancelled and reset our appointment 2 times now.  The next date is April 21st when the company says the results will be available.
So here is one test result that the Dr shared a while back:
  Using a computer program created from data from thousands of breast cancer patients, he was able to determine that my cancer has a 40 to 50% chance of recurrence. not so hot.
Taking an aromatase inhibitor drug for the rest of my life will cut that in half.  Very good.
Undergoing chemo will cut it by 5%.

Full disclosure:  This is data from a computer model.  The test we are waiting for will give much more precise information about these data based on my tissue sample.

So as it stands, 40 to 50% percent can be cut to, lets say, 25%.  and chemo could cut it to 20%.
So is the pain and misery of chemo worth that small gain?

friends everywhere

You all just blow me away.  I cant believe the cards that keep coming from people I have worked with these past 2 years but have never met.  I guess webex is a good communication vehicle after all!
I also received a bucket of Ghirardelli chocolates!
And a beautiful silver necklace with the breast cancer ribbon, a pink bead and a sand dollar with the word Courage.
It means a lot to me that you guys havent forgotten me even though your are really much too busy.

I would invite you all to come and share my chocolates,  but they are all gone.

April 13

Hello, I took time off from adding another update because I am sick of talking about me frankly.
What you have missed is CT scans, an MRI an ultrasound and .... 6 Doctors visits.
My appendix situation seems to be all settled and I am healed but still recovering my strength.  So that was my last visit with her.  However, I am an example of "If you look hard enough, you can find something."  My abdominal area has been examined in every way possible so yes, they did find something.  I have a polyp on the wall of my uterus.
This is a sign of uterine cancer - but it is accompanied by other signs like bleeding, sudden loss of weight.  I have NONE of those symptoms.  However, no one trusts me any more because I have breast cancer so I am scheduled for another operation to have it snipped off.  No actual date yet.
So I got rid of my appendix doctor but acquired a gynecologic surgeon.
Meanwhile, I am healing but can't believe how weak and tired I get. Last friday I was going all day to a dr at 8 AM and then another Dr at 4:30 PM.  With errands in between.  I drove myself using my son's car because its an automatic shift ( never realized before this how you use your abs to push down a clutch.)

I got it all done but that night and next day I was exhausted and in pain.  Took a percoset for the first time in 2 weeks.

Weather improving and being outside to sit in sun is now possible.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3

Today I visited my breast surgeon. He told me to stop expecting to feel better than I do.  My body is recovering from 2 surgeries and it will take 2 months to recover.  I didn't ask him from which date but the appendectomy was less than a month ago.  I am going to readjust my attitude and not expect the next nap to cure me.  That should help decrease the level of frustration I feel.
It is especially tiring to have to keep asking for help.  Next week I only have one dr appt so my drivers will get a rest.  Maybe they will stop being afraid to read an email from me.

Today a  friend drove me - a 15 minute ride - to Glastonbury.  As we waited, I was feeling cocky and asked her if she would care to go to lunch together while we were in the town of 100 Restaurants. I also wanted to repay some of the many favors she has done for me.
So we went out to lunch and I was exhausted after reading the menu.  I doubt I was a scintillating conversationalist.  We got home by 2 and I went straight to bed and slept for 2  1/2 hrs.


The Beauty of Cards

I never knew before now how much a card can mean.  This is a sample.  I wish I could show more of the them.  I will work on creating an interesting collage.  I cant stand to let them turn into a pile so some of them are displayed on my bedroom wall - always visible from my bed.  I walk by and re read often.
A lesson to me on how I can show another person that they are cared for.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2

I want a t shirt that says "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired."  I went to appendix Dr today and the issue of the pain in my right side still exists.  She was an hour late because of doing an emergency appendectomy, and since I was once an emergency appendectomy, I did not complain!  The CT scan shows that there is still fluid there and maybe its around my ovaries?  Frankly, I'm too tired to keep up anymore.  The crucial thing is that she gave me a prescription for more percoset.  I can take them at night when the pain is most uncomfortable.  Love my drugs. 

I am to go for an MRI next to get a better look at the fluid.  One possible solution may be to have a CT guided needle stuck in me to suck it out.
sounds fine, lets do it.
I see Breast Dr tomorrow but that is not an exciting event, drain site is healing fine.  He is handsome and witty but tho Id like to prolong our relationship, this may be our last visit.
My friends are driving me to these daily events. I am blessed.  

I am on the prowl for happy books.  not sappy. but I had a stack and some have been eliminated because they are about slavery or a guy losing his moral code and falling into crime,  I need happy thoughts when Im trying to fall asleep.
spring is springing.  I cut some forsythia branches today and put them in a vase to force the blooms and hurry things along a bit.
At this point I have no Dr or tests for next week.  Empty calendar.  Yes!
I had a great time watching the Basketball tournament this weekend with my son John.  UConn won of course and that was quite a game.  Men and women are doing wonderful.  This weekend will be a fun game to watch again.  Hope you all have the time.
